
Explosion-proof transfer switch Model:BHZ51
産業用照明の研究開発、製造、販売を専門としています 国家ハイテク企業
Explosion-proof transfer switch rated voltage.: AC220V/380V
Explosion-proof transfer switch Rated current: 10A,25A,60A
Explosion-proof transfer switch IP Code: IP65
Explosion-proof transfer switch Explosion-proof mark: Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC

Explosion-proof transfer switch Scope of application:
. Suitable for zone 1 and zone 2 in explosive gas environment;
✧Suitable for combustible dust environment 20, 21, 22;
✧ Suitable for IIA, IIB, IC class explosive gas environment;
. Suitable for environments with temperature groups T1-T6;
. It is used to make or break the circuit, change the power supply or load, and also control the small-capacity motor.
Explosion-proof transfer switch Features
◆The shell is formed by high pressure casting of aluminum alloy, and the surface is electrostatically sprayed with powder after shot blasting;
. This product is a composite product, the main cavity adopts a flameproof structure, and the wiring cavity adopts an increased safety structure;
◆It can be used for switching power supply or load, measuring circuit, etc., and can also control small-capacity motors;
◆It can be equipped with reverse function according to customer requirements;
◆ Steel pipe or cable wiring.
Explosion-proof transfer switch Main technical parameters
GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
Rated current
Inlet Specifications
2- G3/4'(10A,25A),2-G1(60A)
Medium 9-Medium 14mm
Explosion-proof transfer switch Order Notice
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements
Explosion-proof control button
Explosion-proof junction box
Explosion-proof pipe joint
Explosion-proof flexible connecting pipe
Explosion-proof and anti-corrosion operation column
Explosion-proof latch
Explosion-proof wire box
◆It can be used for switching power supply or load, measuring circuit, etc., and can also control small-capacity motors;
◆It can be equipped with reverse function according to customer requirements;
◆ Steel pipe or cable wiring.
Explosion-proof transfer switch Main technical parameters
モデル BHZ51
エグゼクティブスタンダード GB3836.1、GB3836.2、 GB3836.3、 GB 12476.1、IEC60079
防爆マーク Exde IB/I T6 Gb/Ex tD A21 IP66 T8OC
定格電圧。 AC220V/380V
Rated current 10A,25A,60A
保護クラス IP65
防食グレード WF2
Inlet Specifications 2- G3/4"(10A,25A),2-G1(60A)
ケーブル仕様 Medium 9-Medium 14mm

Explosion-proof transfer switch Order Notice
2. The company supports OEM processing, please contact the account manager for specific requirements







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